International Destellos Competition
on Electroacoustic Music –
15th Anniversary
The world is currently going through a difficult situation, with unusual characteristics and an uncertain resolution.
However, it did not prevent the productive energy of the creators, who continued with their task through digital media. This period of waiting is propitious to make a balance of the initiatives created in favor of cultural and artistic development throughout the world, also signaling a new beginning.
2022 marks the 15th anniversary of the creation of the Destellos Foundation, at the initiative of the composer Elsa Justel. The anniversary of this organization, oriented towards the production and diffusion of music created with digital media, correlates with 3 other significant events that influenced the evolution of the electroacoustic genre:
- 35 years since the appearance of the first digital audio recorder (DAT), presented by the Japanese company Sony in 1987
- 40 years since the appearance of the first commercial CD. This event occurred on August 17, 1982, when a CD recording of Chopin's waltzes, performed by Chilean pianist Claudio Arrau, was presented at the Philips printing plant in Germany. On that occasion the pianist was invited to press the "play" button.
- a year later the Internet network arises.
Today we have already pressed that "button" countless times, to record and reproduce the electroacoustic production and we have distributed and exchanged it through the Internet. Thanks to all this, the Destellos Foundation, based in the city of Mar del Plata, has been able to develop its actions throughout the world.
The initial objective of the project was to hold an International Annual Electroacoustic Composition Contest, which took place without interruption from 2007 to the present, with the participation of composers and artists from all over the world. (3*) The proposed genres are Acousmatic Music, Mixed and Video-music.
This 15th edition was dedicated to Acousmatic music, been the results : First Prize : "Does_it_Matter" by Alex Buck (Brasil)
Second Prizes: "ARIOSO" by John Young (England-New Zealand); "On Lines Physical" by Joseph Sims (Canada)"TongueDrum" by David Berezan (Canada-Royaume Uni)
Mentions: "To U.S..S...S..." by Adam Stanoviç (Royaume Uni); "Surtitré" by Pauline Patie (France); "UnlockingTheKeys" by Mikel Kuhen (United States)
As in previous editions, the second prizes were awarded by: the Motus organization (France), Fundación Phonos (Spain), Fundación Musiques et Recherches (Belgium).
The professional Jury was composed of: Ambrose Seddon (UK), Simon Emmerson (UK), Gonzalo Biffarella (Argentina), Liao Lin-Ni (Taiwan).
On this occasion the contest introduced a novelty: the evaluation of the works by a Public Jury.
Due to the pandemic situation and the impossibility of holding a concert, the works were sent to the participants of the public jury, who had a month to listen to them and establish their evaluation.
As a balance of this experience, the following results were obtained:
The works "Arioso" by John Young and "La soberana" by Ricardo de Armas (Argentina), reached the best score by parity of votes.
In second place: "String Quartet II" by Ake Parmerud (Sweden) and "On lines physical".
In third place, with a considerable number of high scores: "and_our 2" by Ayako Sato (Japan), "Voices" by Theodoros Lotis (Greece), "Insomniac" by Tomas del Porto (Argentina) and "Tlatoani" by Rosalia Soria (Mexico).
The diversity of favorites voted by the public deserves special attention. Thus, with different evaluation criteria, were nominated the works : "Stutter" by Chin-Ting-Chan (Hong Kong), "Triptych from anthology of laugh" by Sephane Borrel (France), "Psi" by Rodney Dupleissis (Canada), "Dunes" by Otto Iivari (Finland), "Surtitré" by Pauline Patie (France), "Los átomos y las sombras" by Nicolas Rodriguez (Argentina), "Ladino" by Franco Pellini (Argentina).
It should be noted that this jury was made up of professionals from the areas: literature, music, philosophy, aesthetics, musicology, plastic arts, most of them being regular attendees at the concerts organized by the Foundation in the local environment of Mar del Plata.
We appreciate the collaboration of the members of this jury, made up of: Paula Bianucci, Norma Berni, Luis Tenaglia, Pablo Rago, Juan Sosa, Vanesa Laportilla, Valentin Garvié, Alfredo R. Fernandez, Nélida Valdez, Oscar Elissamburu, Nora Pietrovito, Mario Pessagno , Nicolas Fabiani, Laura Salvador, Nora Albalat, Carlos Enrique Cartolano.